Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sports and Family Fun!

The winter sports season is ending and the Spring season started off with a bang. Chase played in his last basketball game yesterday and played awesome! He had a few steals, rebounds, and baskets. The highlight of the game was that Chase got a foul. Yes, that sounds crazy, but if you know Chase he is the "nice" player on the court. He is very good, runs the plays, does what he is suppose to, but is a little "too" nice. I have told him all season that for every foul he got I would pay him a dollar. No - I am not encouraging my son to be a "dirty" player, just a little more aggressive! The funny thing was that Chase didn't even know he got a foul because it happened at the end of the quarter. In this picture Chase is with Coach Kip. He was a great coach. He did a great job coaching, but also taught them life skills...we were very lucky to be on his team. We also started soccer yesterday. Cody was so excited for his first game. He LOVES to play soccer and if I do say so myself - he is pretty good at it. Yes, the first game is always a little rusty for the boys - but it was good to get that first one out of the way. I love to watch Cody run and hustle....I know he is 6, but he is still my little guy, and just so darn cute! Chase played also and played great...he continues to be a lead player on the team - again, they were a little rusty, but I have no doubt they will go full speed ahead from here.Since Donny is home, we decided to have a family barbeque with extended family that lives in Texas. Donny looks great and is excited for his next adventure in California. He is enjoying a few days of relaxation and "gaming" before he leaves, but it is so good to have him home safe and sound. It just so happens four of us that were there are having birthdays in March, so we had a little celebration for ourselves. My birthday, my mom, my aunt Sharon, and my cousin Tyler all have birthdays in March. Happy Birthday to us!!! Yes, you may not recognize the lady in the middle.....that is my soon to be 60 year old mother...doesn't she look AWESOME!!! I took her on Friday to get her hair done. She was only going to get a trim..(her hair was down to her waist). But we had her talked into a short, sassy hair cut and a little color! She is a new woman and darn cute!
I am so lucky to have family and dad, thanks for always opening up your home to us. I love the barbeques and hot tubbing! Last night dad and I sat in the hot tub for almost an hour just talking...I treasure those special moments. I love you guys!


Christine said...

What fun!!! Your mom looks sooooo goood!! I love the new 'do! She is such a wonderful woman! I am so glad that I got to know her before we moved. Your dad's pretty awesome, too. I don't want to leave him out! Hope your birthdays are great!!! Can't wait to see you guys!!!

Unknown said...

Tell your moms she looks GREAT!! How fun. Have a good time in UTAH!