Thursday, June 24, 2010

If You Don't Have Your Wisdom Teeth, Do You Still Have Wisdom?

Last Tuesday Jordan got her wisdom teeth out. Okay, this could be the funniest thing I have seen in awhile!! She was TOTALLY out of it, and yes Paige and I completely took advantage of the situation and took lots of pictures and video tape. As the doctor put it, "she looked like a child from the 60"s." She was trying to talk to us and I had no idea what she wanted. Then she started signing things, again - I had no idea what she was saying. Paige and I were laughing so hard we could hardly hold the camera still. These are definatly blackmail pictures, and way too funny not to post! Jordan has great friends that came and sat with her everyday. I think they watched about 10 movies and played lots of checkers. What good friends!!! Jordan was pretty swollen, but is doing great now! She was a great patient. Not too demanding and a great sport. Wahoo...check that off the list!

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