Friday, September 11, 2009

Thankful for RULES and GUIDANCE!!!

Jordan came home the other day and announced she had been asked to Homecoming. She admits, she was totally caught off guard. This was a friend she walked to class with. He asked her, "So, are you going to homecoming??" Completely clueless and not knowing what was coming next she said, "I don't know, probably not." He then said, "will you go to homecoming with me?" Shocked, she didn't know what to say. She just said, "I don't think I'm going." Then yesterday she came home and told me another boy had brought flowers to ask her. She just flat out told him she wasn't going. (not to mention she isn't allowed to date until she is 16!!!) NO, he didn't let her keep the flowers :( I asked her if she was sure she didn't want to go with a group of friends. She said, "mom, there is a church dance that night - I'm going to that." Holy Cow - what an awesome kid!!!! I'm not sure I'm ready for all of this. All I can say is I am grateful for the family rule and church guidance of holding off to date until she is 16. Maybe we should actually up the age????


Kristi Clinger said...

I'm with you. Let's up the age. What an awesome daughter you have.

DA'BUSCHS said...

Tell Jordan to have fun at the dance with her friends. I wandered if she kept the flowers... but that was disclosed later on. Too cute! I remember those days. She is such a good girl! Hope the family is well and tell everyone hi!