When I think of Valentines Day many things pop into my head. The colors red and pink, sugar cookies, hershey kisses, conversation hearts, roses, candles and sparkling grape juice. This past week my kids have been getting their Valentines ready to hand out to their friends. It took me back to a time long ago when I too would get Valentines ready to pass out to my friends. Back then it was just a simple printed card and I would add some conversation hearts in an envelope. I do remember reading each heart oh so carefully to make sure the right person got the right heart. How embarassing if I gave the wrong boy a heart that said, "I love you" or "kiss me." Back in those days we would hand them out at school, but the really fun part was waiting until after dinner when it was dark, piling into the family station wagon and delivering Valentines. We would place them on the doorstep, ring the doorbell and run. As I look back, I'm not really sure why we ran because the Valentine was signed with my name on it. I guess it was that brief element of surprise that made it all so exciting. BUT....Most of all when I think of Valentines Day one word comes to mind.....LOVE!!! As I think about the past 33 years I realize that there really is many kinds of love...
"ELEMENTARY LOVE" - you know when you were in the third grade and you just KNEW that you "loved" that cute boy.
"TEENAGE CRUSH" - sophomore year and the cutest, most popular boy in the entire grade!
"FRIENDLY LOVE" - this is that guy that was great and perfect, but as hard as you tried to make something work - you knew all you ever would be was really good friends.
"WHAT YOU THOUGHT WAS LOVE" - this is where you tell your father that he just doesn't understand! Because he doesn't know him as well as you do. (I'm not speaking from experience :-)

Finally - my favorite.....
TRUE LOVE. Finding this kind of love isn't easy for some. For me it took awhile to find, and was even a bit unexpected, but I'm so glad I found it. My TRUE LOVE'S name is Ricky Dean!!! You know it is true love because it never goes away. This kind of love still loves through the dirty laundry, dirty bathroom sink, hormonal moments, and bad days.

This kind of love is forgiving and at the end of the day cuddles next to you and wants to hug and kiss you. This kind of love makes you vanilla shakes at midnight, gives the best massages, and does the dishes just because. Once you find this kind of love you seem to find other types, such as;
"INSTANT LOVE" - this is what you feel when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time.
"UNCONDITIONAL LOVE" - as your children learn and grow so does this type of love. And finally,
"COMPASSIONATE LOVE" - the love you feel when your child has had a bad day and you just - well, love them!

My TRUE LOVE has taught me so much and made my life so happy! My TRUE LOVE is who I think about on this special holiday. My TRUE LOVE is eternal!
Because I was lucky enough to have found my TRUE LOVE.....I have this!

Whatever ever your phase of LOVE is on this Valentines Day, I hope it is wonderful!