Saturday, May 16, 2009

My Strippling Warriors

This is what I came home to the other night! It was hilarious!! I walked in the door and first it was just Rick and Cody fighting. Cody was all decked out with his gear on and Rick "tried" to have his shield on him. They were running all over the house trying to get each other. Once they got stabbed they had to count to ten before they could get back up. Rick added a little "drama" to it when he got stabbed. Falling to his knees, moaning and finally hitting the ground. Paige and Chase grabbed their swords and sheilds and got into the action as fast as they could. Yes, I was scared to death of someone getting hurt (mainly me - dodging the swords) or something getting broken. BUT - they were having a blast! It's amazing what simple things entertain my children. I need to remember that! Thanks Rick - for being a great dad and for being willing to get a little crazy and silly!

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