There are those things in life that you get to do that may be really time consuming, but still you just LOVE doing them. Girls Camp is one of those things. I LOVE going to Girls Camp. I have been able to go with Jordan three out of her four years. This year was Stake Camp and they asked if I would be over the response was, "if that will get me to girls camp....ABSOLUTELY!" We went to a new place this year. Camp Langston in Mt. Pleasant, Texas. It was only a couple hours away and when we pulled in all the girls commented that it seemed like "Parent Trap."

The cabins were so cute and we were right on a little lake. The girls were so excited about the slide and rope swing. We were only there a couple hours before EVERYONE was in the water.

Jordan was a pro at the rope swing. I won't mention how pathetic I looked trying to hang on :)

Jordan grabbed a hold, tucked her knees in and hung on!

She looked like she was flying through the air!! The slide was really fun. Three people could go at one time. Jordan had fun with her good friend Cassidy racing down the slide.

We were able to get our hands on some dish soap to put down the slide to help us go really fast!

yes, even I took a go at the slide!!

The girls also enjoyed some canoeing.

The had all kinds of canoes.

Jordan and Cassidy got a workout in the canoes...they are getting better at "steering" them :)
After having fun in the water, it was time for the fourth year girls to head out on their overnight hike. Man did they learn a lot!!!

Jordan came back the next morning with some great stories!!! Let's just say, eating grass, using sticks for dinner, and going potty in a hole were just a few of the topics!! As a mom, it was great to hear that they actually had to rough it a little!!!!!
What is girls camp without a little rain????

Okay...ALOT of rain!! It was absolutely pouring for one whole day straight! We were all soaked, but had lots of fun!
On skit night the girls did the cutest song and dance to the country song, "Red High Heels." But they changed it to "Cowgirl Boots." The leaders made them darling holsters with their names on the back.

The stake leaders even strutted their stuff in their own song and dance!

The last day was beautiful, so the girls enjoyed the water a little more.

Jordan has been blessed with so many great friends in the church! I am so glad they are all there for each other and encourage each other to do good!!!

We have a fabulous group of girls in our ward! I was so happy I was able to go to girls camp! There is just something about spending that quality time with the girls in the great outdoors!

Next year will be Paige's first year to go! Hopefully, I will be able to attend with her as well! I love the bonding time!!!
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