So here is the rest of what we did in New York!!!!

Day 2:
Day 2 in New York was so much fun! Rick had to work most of the day, so I spent the majority of the day with another wife that was there. Her name is Blanca and she was so much fun to hang out with. After breakfast the guys went one way and we went the other....straight to the subway!! First stop...CHINATOWN! We needed to do some shopping! My friends told me about how people would come up to you and whisper..."handbag, chanel, coach." They want you to go with them in a back room to see their "designer" purses. Since I was with someone I figured I would go...The first store we were in the lady opened a secret door in the back of the store. I would have never guessed it was there. It was a small room with great purses, but I decided to hold out and see what others had. So as we were walking another guy asked us if we wanted to see some purses....we said okay...we followed him down the street. He opened the door and took us up three flights of stairs. (Very steep I might add!) Then through a door into a big open room and finally into another door. He had a ton of purses!!!! Let me say....I definately wouldn't recommend following complete strangers into strange places in other circumstances! :-) Luckily I was worned this would happen, otherwise I would have been completely freaked out! Chinatown was great! We continued walking through Little Italy, Soho, Noho, and got onto the Subway to "BLOOMINGDALES!" Soho was a fun area....lots of shops and also where NYU is. I also saw something crazy! A "city style" Home Depot. It was crazy! Just right there on the street as if it were a clothing store. Bloomingdales was fun, and for a moment I got to pretend I could actually afford anything I wanted in the store! By this time it was past lunch time, so we headed to a restaurant both our friends had told us about.....SERENDIPITY3. Okay - this place was SO cute and fun!!!! I would definately recommend this place! It was tiny.....if you blinked you would pass it, but just the environment was fun...they are known for their dessert, but their food was good too...for lunch I had a sandwich and "double dare chocolate mousse!"" YUMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! It was the best I've ever had!!!! After lunch - my friend went to see Letterman, so I just toured around myself. I had the best time!!!!! I went to Times Square, Rockefeller Center, Macy's, Madison Square Garden, saw the Empire State Building, and walked pretty much that whole area of the city! Rockefeller Center was cool...I saw the ice skating rink and where they tape the Today Show.

We finally took the Subway back to the hotel to meet up with the hubbies!!! I had to take Rick to Serendipity for dinner, so we headed back that way! Again, our food was so good, and we tried "frozen hot chocolate". YUM! It tasted like a cocoa shake...

The weather was getting pretty cold, so what better than cuddling up together while taking a carriage ride! Yup!!!! We did the carriage ride through part of Central Park! Fun, Awesome, Romantic!!! Our driver was so nice and let us know about all the info that goes on at Central Park.

Then since Rick hadn't seen Times Square yet, we headed there. While walking there we passed The Plaza, Trump Towers, FAO Schwartz, Radio City, ice skating rink at Rockefeller Center, and pretty much everything!!!! Times Square is a place like no other!!! By this time it was getting really late so we decided we should probably head back to the hotel. Once we were in the subway we had to figure out a special "late night" route, since not all the trains were running. When we got to our stop we walked up to the street and the rain was POURING!!!! We started our "scary" walk and got drenched. I'm not sure if I would recommend walking late at night in the scary streets of Brooklyn! I feel myself getting all tense everytime we start walking from the subway to our hotel - in the dark! I totally feel like an expert Subway rider and tourist!!!!!

WAIT!!!!! We got tickets to the David Letterman Show!!!!! Before we left I applied online for tickets. The way it works is they call you on the phone and if you answer a trivia question correctly they will give you tickets. Of course I put all of Ricks information down, since I don't know everything about the David Letterman Show. I wasn't sure if they would call, but while I was talking to Rick on the phone he said, "let me call you back, the Letterman show is calling me." They asked him what type of store does Rupert (David Lettermans friend) own? And he knew the answer!!!!! It is a deli store called Hello Deli! I never would have known that!

Day 3: It rained all day!!! I decided what better thing to do on a rainy day then to go to a museum. I spent a good part of the day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. (also known as the Met!) This was so great! I haven't been much of an art fan, and honestly if it wasn't raining, I don't know that I would have gone. BUT, I'm so glad I did. Now I understand why Paige loves art so much! I can't wait to see more with Paige at local art museums. The Met was awesome and I have learned to really appreciate art! That night it stopped raining, so Rick and I headed out to the city. I really wanted to see a show, so we saw - "spamalot" It was very good, and Clay Aiken did a fabulous job. I have decided I really could see any show and LOVE it.

Day 3: Rick and I decided to head to the World Trade Center site and do a tour. Wow - that is amazing and heartwrenching. I was listening to the audio tour and couldn't help but get teary eyed. I definately recommend this!!! It was awesome. I hope we get to go back when they are finished building all the memorials. Rick had one request for lunch...that was to eat at the Hello before letterman we went in and talked with Rupert and had awesome sandwiches! That was fun to get a picture with him....then off to Letterman!

Awesome!!! We got seats front and center.....just being there was was the day Alec Baldwin was on.
The first day we were there - New York seemed a little scary and overwhelming....but now - WE LOVE IT!!!!!!! Rick- thank you so much for taking me with you and spending time with are truely the best and didn't complain about all the pictures, sites, shows, and crazy things I wanted to do! I love you so much and can't wait until one day when we can go back! I love you!